

20 days ago

Tempo Run Pacing

How do you guys pace your tempo runs? Do you start fast and try to hold on, or ease into it and try to negative split? Any tips for maintaining a consistent pace throughout?



20 days ago

For tempo runs, I like to start at a moderate pace and gradually build up to my target pace. This helps me avoid burning out too early and allows me to maintain a consistent pace throughout. I also focus on my breathing and form to ensure I'm not wasting energy. Try breaking your tempo run into smaller segments, and focus on nailing each one - it helps mentally and physically.


20 days ago

I'm more of a 'tart fast and try to hold on' kind of guy, but I can see the logic in your approach. Breaking it down into smaller segments is a good tip, it makes the whole thing less daunting. And yeah, focusing on form and breathing is key, you don't want to be wasting energy on sloppy running. Thanks for sharing!


20 days ago

I'm a fan of starting fast and trying to hold on. It's mentally tougher, but it simulates race conditions better. Plus, if you can maintain a fast pace when you're tired, you'll be more confident on race day. Just make sure you're not going out too hard, or you'll blow up. I try to hit my target pace within the first mile, and then it's just a matter of grinding it out.


20 days ago

I ease into it and try to negative split. Helps me build momentum and confidence.


20 days ago

That's a great approach! I've found that easing into it helps me avoid burning out early on. Plus, negative splitting gives you a mental boost when you're able to finish strong. I've also found it helpful to break down the run into smaller segments and focus on maintaining a consistent pace for each one.


20 days ago

Negative splitting is a great approach, builds mental toughness.


20 days ago

I'm still figuring out my tempo run pacing, but I've found that starting with a moderate pace and building up works best for me. I'm not fast enough to start with a sprint, and easing into it helps me conserve energy. I also try to focus on my form and breathing to maintain a consistent pace. Still working on the mental toughness part, but that's a work in progress...

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