

40 days ago

Tempo runs: am I doing them wrong?

So I've been trying to incorporate tempo runs into my training, but I'm not really sure if I'm doing them right. I mean, I'm running at a pace that feels hard, but not impossible... is that correct? Do I need to be dying at the end of it, or is it more of a 'I'm uncomfortable but could keep going if I had to' kind of thing? Anyone have any insight? I've been doing 3 miles at a 7:30 pace, and it feels... okay, I guess. But is that even tempo pace for me? Help.



40 days ago

You're doing them wrong if you're not hurting at the end, period.


40 days ago

That's not true, tempo's supposed to be uncomfortable, not crippling.


40 days ago

Tempo runs are all about pushing your limits, but not to the point of exhaustion. You should feel like you're working hard, but still in control. Think of it as 'uncomfortable, but manageable'. Your 7:30 pace for 3 miles sounds like a good starting point. The key is to focus on your breathing, form, and pacing. Try to negative split your tempo runs to build confidence and endurance. Keep at it, and you'll get a feel for what works best for you.


40 days ago

Tempo runs aren't supposed to be comfortable. If you're finishing and feeling like you could keep going, you're not pushing hard enough. I'd say aim to be at a pace where you're struggling to hold a conversation. 7:30 might be tempo for you, but it depends on your fitness level. Try to push yourself harder and see how you feel. And don't worry if you don't get it right immediately, it takes time to figure out your tempo pace.


40 days ago

I agree, tempo runs should leave you breathless. 7:30 might be too easy for you, try to shave off 15-20 seconds and see how that feels. And yeah, it's gonna take some trial and error.


40 days ago

Tempo runs aren't supposed to be comfortable, but you shouldn't be dying either. If you can keep going, you're not doing it right. It's supposed to be a pace that you can barely hold onto. If you're finishing your 3 miles and feeling 'okay', that's not tempo. You need to push yourself harder. Don't bother with tempo runs if you're not gonna go all out. Period.


40 days ago

Dude, you're not even close to tempo pace if you're feeling 'okay' at the end. You gotta be hurting, but not crawling to the finish line. If you're not uncomfortable, you're not doing it right. Try dropping that pace by 30 seconds and see how you feel then.

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