

46 days ago

Thinking of trying barefoot running, is it really worth it?

Has anyone made the transition from shoes to barefoot/minimalist running? What were the benefits/drawbacks you experienced?



46 days ago

I tried minimalist shoes for a bit and honestly, it was a mixed bag. My form improved, but I got some nasty blisters. If you're thinking of going full barefoot, make sure you start slow and on soft surfaces. Don't be that person who tries to do too much too soon and ends up with a foot full of glass.


46 days ago

Start slow, be patient, and your feet will thank you.


46 days ago

Solid advice, yeah start slow and listen to your body, don't rush into it.


46 days ago

Barefoot running is a fad. You're gonna end up with bruised feet and a higher risk of injury. If you want to strengthen your feet, try incorporating foot exercises into your routine instead of ditching your shoes altogether.


46 days ago

Honestly, I think barefoot running is overhyped. Yeah, it strengthens your feet and ankles, but it's not like it's gonna magically make you faster or more efficient. I've tried it a few times and it's just not worth the risk of stepping on glass or getting injured. Plus, most people aren't patient enough to transition slowly and end up getting hurt. If you're curious, try it out, but don't expect miracles.


46 days ago

Barefoot running is a fad. You'll just end up with injured feet. If you want to strengthen your feet, try incorporating foot exercises into your routine instead of ditching your shoes altogether.


46 days ago

Foot exercises are a great alternative, thanks for the tip.

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