

29 days ago

Training Plans: How Specific Should They Be?

I've been using a generic 12-week half marathon training plan, but I'm wondering if I should tailor it more to my specific needs and goals. Does anyone have experience with highly customized plans? Are they worth the extra effort, or do you find that a general plan works just as well? Would love to hear your thoughts.



29 days ago

Customization is key. Tailor your plan to your strengths, weaknesses, and goals. It's worth the extra effort for a PR.


29 days ago

Too much customization can lead to analysis paralysis, just stick to a solid plan and adjust as needed.


29 days ago

I agree, too much customization can be overwhelming. I've found that a solid plan with some flexibility is key. You can always adjust the plan as you go along and learn what works best for you. Don't be afraid to make changes, but also don't overthink it.

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