

61 days ago

Underpronation: Any tips for managing the impact?

I've recently discovered I'm an underpronator, which might explain the ankle and foot pain I've been experiencing during my runs. I've been doing some research, but I'd love to hear from others who have experience with this. What changes have you made to your form or footwear to reduce the impact? Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!



61 days ago

Try strengthening your ankles with calf raises!


61 days ago

Calf raises are a good start, but don't forget to work on your foot strike too. Try to land midfoot or forefoot instead of heel striking. It'll take some getting used to, but it'll help reduce the impact on your ankles and feet.


61 days ago

Try strengthening your ankles with calf raises.


61 days ago

Underpronation is a real pain (literally). I've been there too. For me, it was about strengthening my ankles and calves. Try incorporating some ankle circles and calf raises into your routine. Also, ditch the minimalist shoes and get something with more support. It won't fix everything, but it'll help. Good luck.


61 days ago

I'd add that stretching and foam rolling your calves and feet can also make a big difference. I've found that it helps reduce the stress on my ankles and feet during runs. Give it a shot and see how it works out for you.

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