

38 days ago

VO2 Max: Overhyped or Legit Metric?

VO2 max gets thrown around a lot. Is it really that important for us non-elites? Thoughts?



38 days ago

For us mortals, it's just a fancy way to say 'you're kinda fast, bro'.


38 days ago

Kinda fast, bro, is still pretty fast, bro.


38 days ago

Fair point, but I think it's still useful for tracking progress and setting realistic goals. It's not just about being 'kinda fast'.


38 days ago

Honestly, who cares about VO2 max unless you're trying to win a marathon? It's just a number to make yourself feel better or worse. I've got more important things to worry about, like not dying on my next 5K. Let's focus on making running accessible to beginners, not chasing some fancy metric.


38 days ago

Fair point, but dismissing VO2 max entirely is shortsighted. It's a useful indicator of aerobic fitness, even for non-elites. Improving it can lead to real performance gains, and it's not just about feeling better or worse.


38 days ago

Don't worry about it, just run more.

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