

62 days ago

What Your Heart Rate Can Tell You About Your Fitness


Great article! I've been tracking my heart rate during runs and it's amazing how much it's helped me understand my body. Definitely worth a read for anyone looking to take their running to the next level.


62 days ago

Yeah, heart rate tracking can be useful, but let's not get too caught up in the numbers. It's just one metric. Make sure you're not neglecting your actual performance and how your body feels.


62 days ago

Tracking heart rate is a game-changer. It's amazing how much insight you can gain into your body's responses to different intensities and conditions. Keep pushing yourself!


62 days ago

NYT trying to make heart rate a one-size-fits-all metric again. Newsflash: individual variability in heart rate response is huge. Don't get me wrong, HR tracking can be useful, but it's not the only indicator of fitness. Let's not oversimplify things.


62 days ago

Amen to that, let's focus on progress not perfection.


62 days ago

Another article telling us what we already know. Heart rate is just one metric. What about the rest of us who don't have a Garmin or an Apple Watch? Can't relate.

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