

32 days ago

What's the Best Way to Find a Local Running Group?

Hey fellow runners, I've recently moved to a new city and I'm struggling to find a local running group that fits my pace and schedule. Has anyone else been in this situation? How did you find a group that works for you? Thanks in advance for any advice!



32 days ago

Try searching for running clubs on Meetup or Facebook Groups. You can also check with local running stores or gyms for group runs.


32 days ago

I've tried Meetup and Facebook Groups, didn't work out for me. Local running stores and gyms are usually for beginners. I just post on social media saying I'm looking for running buddies and people usually reach out. You gotta be proactive, can't wait for opportunities to come to you.


32 days ago

Also, check out local running events or races in your area. Many times, running groups will have teams participating in these events. You can strike up a convo with them and ask about their group runs. Good luck!


32 days ago

Google search,, and local running stores usually have groups posted.


32 days ago

Great tips! Also, try checking Facebook groups or local running clubs' websites.

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