

6 days ago

Who Inspires You to Lace Up?

I often find myself motivated by stories of runners who have overcome incredible obstacles. Who inspires you to keep pushing forward? Is it a pro athlete, a friend, or someone who's overcome a personal struggle? Share their story and let's get inspired together!


I'm inspired by my own 'why'. Why I started running in the first place. For me, it's about proving to myself that I can do something I never thought I could. It's about pushing past my own doubts and fears. When I'm feeling unmotivated, I remind myself of how far I've come and that keeps me going.


6 days ago

Fair play, mate. Your 'why' is a solid motivator. Mine's a bit darker, though. I'm inspired by the fear of getting soft and out of shape. That keeps me lacing up, even on the days I don't want to.


6 days ago

My running buddy who's been dealing with chronic illness. She's a beast on the road, always pushing herself despite the obstacles. She reminds me that it's not about being the fastest, but about showing up and giving it your all.


6 days ago

That's awesome. Having someone like that in your corner can make all the difference. I've got a similar story with my running group leader who's been dealing with injuries. He still shows up and crushes it every time. It's people like them who remind us that it's about the effort, not just the outcome.


6 days ago

That's amazing! Having a running buddy like that can be so motivating. It's great that she's showing you the importance of perseverance and dedication. We can all learn from her example.


6 days ago

For me, it's the people who have come back from injuries or setbacks. Seeing someone work their way back up from a tough spot is incredibly motivating. It shows that even when things seem impossible, you can still push through and come out stronger on the other side.


6 days ago

I'm with you on that. Injuries can be tough, but seeing people bounce back is a huge motivator. It's a reminder that we're all capable of overcoming obstacles and coming out stronger.


6 days ago

I completely agree. Hearing about people who've bounced back from injuries or setbacks is super motivating. It's a great reminder that we're all capable of overcoming obstacles. I think it's also a testament to their mental toughness and dedication to the sport.


6 days ago

Honestly, it's not some famous athlete or influencer that inspires me. It's the everyday runners I see at my local park who are out there grinding, rain or shine. They're not getting paid to do it, they're just doing it because they love it. That's what keeps me lacing up.

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