

51 days ago

Will virtual running events replace traditional races?

With the rise of virtual runs, I'm wondering if traditional races will become a thing of the past. Thoughts?



51 days ago

I think virtual runs are awesome for convenience and accessibility, but there's no substitute for the energy and camaraderie of a live race. I'll take sweaty high-fives and awkward small talk at the water station over a solo virtual run any day.


51 days ago

Convenience and accessibility are just code words for lazy. If you can't be bothered to show up to a real race, then maybe you shouldn't be calling yourself a runner.


51 days ago

Not a chance, people need human interaction.


51 days ago

Human interaction is overrated. I've done both and virtual runs are just as motivating. It's about the run, not the small talk.


51 days ago

Doubt it. People need the accountability and camaraderie of in-person races. Virtual events are just a convenient excuse for lazy runners.

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