

35 days ago

Achilles tendinitis: Any tips for recovery?

Dealing with achilles tendinitis for the first time and looking for some advice. Had to stop running for a few weeks, doing some stretching and strengthening exercises, but wondering if anyone has any other tips for a speedy recovery. Thanks!



35 days ago

Ice and compression are key! Try icing your Achilles 2-3 times a day and using a compression sleeve during exercise. Also, don't forget to strengthen your calf muscles.


35 days ago

Agree on the icing and compression. Also, try to avoid heel strikes and focus on midfoot/forefoot strikes to reduce stress on the Achilles.


35 days ago

Calf raises on a step helped me a lot.


35 days ago

Sorry to hear that! Focus on gradual progression, don't rush back into running. Try incorporating calf raises and single-leg exercises to strengthen the area. Good luck!


35 days ago

Been there, done that. Focus on calf strengthening, don't neglect your ankles. Try heel raises, calf raises, and single-leg balancing exercises. Also, ice and compression after runs can help reduce inflammation. Patience is key, don't rush back into running too quickly.

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