

9 days ago

Achilles Tendinitis: How Long Did It Take You to Recover?

I've been dealing with achilles tendinitis for a few weeks now and I'm getting frustrated with the slow progress. I've been doing all the usual stuff - stretching, icing, reducing mileage... But I want to know, how long did it take you guys to fully recover from this annoying injury? Was it a few weeks, months, or did it take even longer? Any advice on what worked for you?



9 days ago

Took me 3 months to fully recover from achilles tendinitis. Patience is key, don't rush back into running.


9 days ago

3 months, that's about what I expected. I've been dealing with it for a month now and it feels like an eternity. Yeah, patience is key, but it's hard when you're used to running regularly. Did you find that any specific exercises or stretches helped speed up the recovery process?


9 days ago

I had a similar experience with achilles tendinitis a few years back. It took me around 3-4 months to fully recover. What worked for me was incorporating eccentric calf exercises into my routine. It was a slow process, but consistency and patience were key. Hang in there, you'll get back to your normal self soon!


9 days ago

I had achilles tendinitis last year and it took me about 2 months to recover. I had to stop running completely and focus on strengthening my calf muscles. It was tough, but I learned to listen to my body and not push myself too hard. Don't get discouraged, it'll take time, but you'll get there!

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