

39 days ago

Altitude Training: Worth the Trip?

I'm considering a trip to Colorado for some altitude training, but I'm not convinced it's worth the hassle. Has anyone out there done it? Did you see any significant improvements in your performance? Was it more of a mental boost or did you actually notice physical changes? I'm not looking to win any Olympic medals, just wanting to shave off a few minutes from my half marathon time. Is altitude training really the magic bullet everyone makes it out to be?



39 days ago

I did altitude training in Flagstaff last year, didn't notice much difference to be honest.


39 days ago

Flagstaff's altitude is only around 7,000 ft, that's not high enough to make a significant difference. You need to go higher than that to see real results.


39 days ago

Thanks for sharing your experience! I was hoping to hear some honest feedback. It's good to know that it might not be a magic bullet for everyone. Did you make any changes to your training routine while you were there or was it mostly just running in the high altitude?


39 days ago

Been there, done that. Spent a week in Flagstaff, AZ, at 7,000 ft. Did it help? Yeah, but not as much as I thought it would. You'll feel like crap the first few days, then you'll adapt. I shaved off 2 minutes from my half marathon time, but I was also putting in 60 miles a week. It's not a magic bullet, just another tool in the toolbox. If you've got the time and money, go for it. But don't expect miracles. It's still hard work, no matter where you are.


39 days ago

Go for it! You won't regret the experience.


39 days ago

Experience? I'm not looking for a vacation, I'm trying to improve my running. What about actual results? Did you see any real gains from altitude training or was it just a fun trip for you?

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