

22 days ago

Are Training Plans Overrated?

Hey fellow runners, I've been running for a few years now and I've tried following various training plans. But honestly, I'm starting to think they're overhyped. I mean, how many of us actually stick to them perfectly? And even if we do, do we really see the promised results? I've had better success just listening to my body and running by feel. Am I the only one who thinks training plans are more of a hassle than they're worth?



22 days ago

I'm a beginner and I've been winging it so far. No plan, just running when I feel like it. And you know what? I'm still alive. Not saying it's the best approach, but it's working for me.


22 days ago

Yeah, I've been there too. Started with a plan, got bored, and ended up just running when I felt like it. And you know what? I'm still running. Plans are just a guideline, not the bible.


22 days ago

Training plans are for newbies, real runners just go with the flow.


22 days ago

I've had mixed results with training plans too. They can be helpful for structure, but listening to your body is key. Consistency is what matters most.

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