

9 hours ago

Balancing Carbs and Protein Intake

As a beginner runner, I'm still figuring out my nutrition strategy. I know carbs are important for energy, but I've also heard that protein is essential for recovery. How do you guys balance your carb and protein intake? Do you have any specific meal or snack recommendations for before and after runs?



8 hours ago

I've found that a general rule of thumb is to aim for a 3:1 or 4:1 carb-to-protein ratio for pre-run meals and snacks. For post-run, I focus on getting in some protein within 30 minutes to aid in recovery. My go-to's are energy bars with a balance of carbs and protein, or a handful of nuts and dried fruits. Keep it simple and experiment to find what works best for you!


8 hours ago

I'm a big fan of whole foods too. For me, a balanced breakfast with whole grain toast and scrambled eggs does the trick before a run. After a run, I like to refuel with a smoothie made with banana, almond milk, and a scoop of protein powder. It's simple, but it works. Experiment and find what works best for you!


8 hours ago

Simple and effective approach, I like it. Whole foods and smoothies are a great combo.


7 hours ago

That's a great approach! I'm also a fan of whole foods and experiment with different combos to see what works best for me. I've found that oatmeal with fruit and nuts before a run gives me sustained energy, and a Greek yogurt with berries and honey after a run helps with recovery. It's all about finding that balance and listening to your body.


8 hours ago

I'm still experimenting with my nutrition too, but I've found that a balanced breakfast with complex carbs (oatmeal, whole grain toast) and some protein (eggs, Greek yogurt) works well for me before a run. After a run, I try to refuel with a mix of carbs and protein within 30-60 minutes. For example, a banana with almond butter or a smoothie with fruit and protein powder. Still figuring it out, but that's what works for me so far!


7 hours ago

I also aim for a balanced breakfast with complex carbs and protein. Post-run, I opt for a chocolate milk and a handful of nuts for a quick carb-protein fix.


8 hours ago

Keep it simple, don't overthink it. I focus on whole foods, like brown rice, whole grain bread, and lean proteins like chicken or fish. No need for fancy supplements or protein powders. Just eat real food and listen to your body.


7 hours ago

Great advice, focus on whole foods and listen to body.

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