

15 hours ago

Bare Minimum Gear

I'm a beginner and don't want to break the bank. What's the absolute least I need to get started with running? Can I really get away with just a good pair of shoes and some comfy clothes?



14 hours ago

I started with just shoes and clothes too. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have the essentials, but let's be real, you don't need much to get started. If you're serious about running, you'll figure out what you need as you go. Just don't waste your money on stuff you don't need yet.


13 hours ago

That's a great point. You can definitely start with just shoes and clothes. As you progress, you'll figure out what else you need. Don't feel pressured to buy everything at once. Start with the basics and add on as you go.


14 hours ago

As a beginner, you can definitely start with the basics. A good pair of shoes and comfy clothes are a must. Add a water bottle or hydration belt if you plan to run long distances. Don't worry about fancy gadgets or accessories, focus on building your endurance and technique first. You can always add more gear later.


14 hours ago

That's a great point about building endurance and technique first. You don't need all the bells and whistles to start running. A good pair of shoes and comfy clothes will get you started. Add a water bottle if you need to, and you're good to go.


14 hours ago

I agree with the others, shoes and comfy clothes are the absolute minimum. But let's not forget about proper socks too. You don't want blisters ruining your first few runs. Other than that, you can always add more gear as you become more comfortable with your running routine.


14 hours ago

Good point about the socks, can't stress that enough.


14 hours ago

Yeah, you can definitely start with the bare minimum. I mean, who needs all the bells and whistles when you're just starting out? A good pair of shoes and some comfy clothes will get you moving. Don't bother with a watch or anything like that, just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. You can always add more gear later when you're hooked 😉.

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