

14 hours ago

Marathon Training for Beginners

I'm about to start training for my first marathon and I'm feeling overwhelmed. What's the most important thing to focus on for a beginner like me? Is it building up my mileage, incorporating speed workouts, or something else entirely? I've heard so many different opinions, but I'd love to hear from someone who's been in my shoes. What did you wish you knew when you started training for your first marathon?



14 hours ago

Listen, I've been there too. First marathon is a daunting task. For me, it was all about consistency and patience. Don't try to do too much too soon. Focus on building up your mileage gradually, and don't worry too much about speed workouts at first. You can always add those in later. Just get your body used to running long distances, and the rest will follow. Oh, and don't be afraid to take rest days - your body will thank you.

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