

14 hours ago

Mental Toughness Hacks

What are some unconventional ways to build mental toughness for running? I've tried the usual visualization techniques and positive self-talk, but I'm looking for something more...unorthodox. Has anyone tried meditation, journaling, or even some form of mental trickery to push through tough runs? Share your secrets!



13 hours ago

I've found that writing down my fears and doubts before a tough run helps me confront them head-on. It's not about ignoring them, but acknowledging they're there and then telling myself to shut up and get moving. Also, I've started using a 'everse psychology' trick on myself - when I feel like giving up, I tell myself I'm not even tired yet and that I can do way more. It's weird, but it works for me.


13 hours ago

I like the reverse psychology trick, I'll have to try that.


13 hours ago

That 'everse psychology' trick is interesting. I've tried something similar, where I tell myself I'm only halfway done when I'm actually almost finished. It's a mind game, but it works. I'm not sure about writing down fears and doubts, seems like it might do more harm than good. But hey, if it works for you, that's all that matters. I might have to try it out and see if it makes a difference.


13 hours ago

I've tried something similar to what you mentioned - I call it 'negative visualization'. Instead of visualizing myself succeeding, I imagine myself failing miserably. It sounds weird, but it helps me prepare for the worst-case scenario and builds my mental resilience. I also use a 'no-excuses' mantra during tough runs. If I start making excuses to stop, I remind myself that I'm not injured, I'm not dying, and I can keep going. It's not about being mean to myself, but about being honest and pushing through the discomfort.


13 hours ago

I'm a big fan of 'everse affirmations'. Instead of telling myself I'm strong and capable, I tell myself I'm weak and can't do it. Sounds crazy, but it makes me angry and motivates me to prove myself wrong. Give it a try and see if it works for you!

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