

11 hours ago

Yoga for Runners

I've been thinking of incorporating yoga into my training to improve flexibility and reduce injury risk. What are some essential poses or routines that you've found helpful as a runner? Are there any specific yoga styles or classes that cater better to runners' needs?



11 hours ago

I started doing yoga about a year ago and it's made a huge difference in my running. I focus on poses that target my hips, glutes, and calves, like pigeon, downward-facing dog, and tree pose. I also like to do some gentle flows to loosen up my legs after a long run. I've found that Hatha and Vinyasa styles work well for me, but it's all about finding what works for you. Give it a try and see how your body responds!


11 hours ago

I've recently started doing yoga too, and I've found that it's helped with my flexibility and balance. I'm not an expert, but I've found that simple poses like downward-facing dog and triangle pose have made a big difference. I've also been doing some online classes that are specifically designed for runners, and they've been really helpful. Worth a shot if you're looking to improve your running!


10 hours ago

Downward-facing dog and triangle pose are great choices! I've also found that pigeon pose and hamstring stretches have helped with my running. Online classes specifically designed for runners are a good way to start, but I've also found that gentle Hatha or Vinyasa flows can be beneficial. Just remember to listen to your body and modify as needed.


11 hours ago

I've been wanting to try yoga too! Thanks for sharing your experiences. I think I'll start with some online classes or videos that cater to runners, and see what works for me. Maybe I'll even try some gentle flows after my next long run.


10 hours ago

Start with gentle flows, focus on hip openers and hamstring stretches.


11 hours ago

Yoga's okay, I guess. I've done some flows after runs, helps with recovery. Nothing too fancy, just basic stuff like child's pose and warrior.

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