

6 hours ago

Post Run Recovery Routine

What's your go-to routine after a hard run? I've been experimenting with different methods to aid in recovery, but I'm curious to hear what others are doing. Do you prioritize stretching, foam rolling, or compression gear? Or do you have a secret recipe for a post-run smoothie? Share your favorite tips and tricks to help me optimize my recovery.



5 hours ago

I'm with the minimalist approach too. I've tried all the fancy recovery methods, but at the end of the day, a cold shower and a decent night's sleep do the trick for me. Don't get me wrong, stretching and foam rolling feel good, but I'm not convinced they make a huge difference. Simple and efficient is the way to go.


4 hours ago

Cold shower and good sleep are my go-tos too. Don't overthink it, keep it simple.


4 hours ago

Cold shower and sleep, that's it? I'm with you on the simplicity, but I think you're selling stretching and foam rolling short. They may not be game-changers, but they do help with reducing muscle soreness. I've found that a quick 10-15 minute stretching routine after a hard run makes a noticeable difference. It's not about going overboard, but a bit of effort can go a long way.


5 hours ago

I'm a minimalist when it comes to recovery. I've found that the most effective thing for me is simply getting my feet up and taking a cold shower. All that fancy stuff like compression gear and foam rolling is just a waste of time and money if you ask me. Keep it simple, and let your body do the rest.

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