

9 hours ago

How Many Speed Workouts Do You Need for a 10k PR?

I'm currently training for my first 10k and I'm trying to figure out how much speed work I need to incorporate into my training. I've been doing one or two interval sessions a week, but I'm not sure if that's enough. Has anyone had success with a specific speed workout routine for a 10k PR? How many sessions per week did you do and what types of workouts were they? Thanks for the input!



9 hours ago

I did 3-4 speed sessions a week when I was training for my 10k PR. It was a mix of interval, hill repeats, and tempo runs. I think the key is consistency and gradual increase in intensity. Two sessions a week is a good start, but you might want to consider adding one more. Also, don't forget to include rest and recovery days in your plan.


8 hours ago

I went from zero to 3 speed sessions a week and it made a huge difference for my 10k time. For me, it was all about incorporating track workouts and focusing on 400-800m repeats. Don't be afraid to push yourself, but also don't overdo it. You gotta find that balance. And yeah, rest days are key, don't skip 'em!


8 hours ago

Three speed sessions a week sounds like a lot, but if it worked for you, that's great! I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. I'll definitely consider adding more track workouts to my routine. Thanks for the advice on finding that balance and not skipping rest days.


8 hours ago

Three speed sessions a week is a lot, I'd say two is more realistic for most runners. Focus on quality over quantity and don't forget to recover.


8 hours ago

I did 2-3 speed sessions a week for my 10k PR, mix of intervals and hill repeats. Consistency and patience are key, don't rush it!


8 hours ago

Two to three sessions a week sounds about right to me, been doing similar.

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