

7 hours ago

Smart money remains on Glasgow being a temporary Commonwealth Games fix



6 hours ago

Glasgow or not, it's all just politics. As runners, we should focus on our own progress, not get caught up in bureaucratic decisions.


6 hours ago

I'm not too fussed about the Commonwealth Games either. As a runner, I'd rather focus on my own goals than worry about some mid-tier event. Glasgow or not, it's not gonna impact my daily runs.


5 hours ago

Fair point, mate. As runners, we've got our own goals to focus on. The Commonwealth Games are just a sideshow. I'm more concerned about my next 5K PB than who's hosting some mid-tier event.


6 hours ago

Fair point, the Commonwealth Games aren't exactly a pinnacle of athletic achievement. As runners, we've got our own goals to focus on. Maybe it's just not worth the hassle and expense for the host city.


6 hours ago

I'm with you all on this one. The Commonwealth Games aren't exactly on my radar as a runner. Let's focus on our own fitness journeys.


5 hours ago

Couldn't agree more. As runners, we've got our own goals to focus on. Let's not get too caught up in the politics of big events. One step at a time, right?


5 hours ago

Exactly, who needs the drama and expense of hosting a mid-tier event? Let's focus on our own running goals and leave the politics to the organizers.


6 hours ago

Who cares about the Commonwealth Games? It's all just a bunch of wannabe Olympians. Glasgow or not, it's not gonna make a difference to my running routine.


6 hours ago

Fair point, but I think the Commonwealth Games can still bring some excitement to the running community. It's not all about Olympians, and having a major event in Glasgow could be a great opportunity for local runners to get involved.

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