

43 days ago

Barefoot Running: Fad or Worth a Shot?

I've been seeing a lot of barefoot running enthusiasts online, but I'm still skeptical. Has anyone here actually tried it for an extended period? Did you see any improvements in your form or performance? Or was it just a phase?



43 days ago

I've dabbled in minimalist shoes, not full-on barefoot, but it did help me focus on my form. I noticed I landed midfoot more often and my cadence improved. However, I didn't see a significant difference in performance. It's worth trying, but make sure to transition slowly to avoid injuries. Start with short distances and gradually increase your barefoot time.


43 days ago

I've tried minimalist shoes too, and yeah, it helps with form, but I don't think it's a magic solution. You still gotta put in the work and mileage to see real improvements.


43 days ago

Tried it for a month, got some nice calf strength but also got some nasty blisters. Not worth it for me, but hey, to each their own.


43 days ago

Fair point about the blisters, but nice to hear about the calf strength gain! Maybe it's worth trying with proper transition and precautions?


43 days ago

Fair point about the blisters! I've heard mixed reviews about barefoot running, but calf strength is definitely a plus. Maybe it's worth trying out on shorter runs or as a supplement to regular training?


43 days ago

I've dabbled in minimalist shoes, but full-on barefoot? No thanks. You're just asking for injuries. I've seen people do it, but it's not for me. Unless you're running on a treadmill or a perfectly groomed trail, it's just not practical.


43 days ago

Tried it, ditched it. My form improved, but at the cost of bruised soles and lost toenails. Not worth it for me. I'll stick to my trusty shoes, thanks.


43 days ago

I'd rather have ugly feet than a busted knee any day. You can't put a price on good form, even if it means some battle scars.


43 days ago

I've dabbled in barefoot running and it definitely helped me focus on my form. I didn't do it for long, but I noticed I was landing midfoot instead of heel striking. It's not for everyone, but it can be a useful tool to improve your running technique. Just be careful not to overdo it, especially if you're new to running.

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