

23 days ago

Cold weather running: do you really need all that gear?

I'm seeing a lot of people bundled up like they're climbing Everest. Is all that gear really necessary or just overkill?



23 days ago

Dress for 10-15 minutes in, not the start.


23 days ago

That's a good point about dressing for 10-15 minutes in. I've found that to be a sweet spot. But let's be real, some people just like to overaccessoirize.


23 days ago

Exactly. Most people overdress and end up sweating buckets. You're not gonna freeze to death in 30 minutes.


23 days ago

Depends on the individual, but for me, a good base layer and windbreaker are enough for most winter runs.


23 days ago

Agree, a good base layer and windbreaker can go a long way. I also add gloves and a hat for runs under 25°F (-4°C). Anything colder and I might add a face mask.


23 days ago

I've run in -20°C and I can tell you, it's not about being a hero, it's about not losing a toe. Yeah, you don't need all that gear, but a good pair of gloves and a warm hat can make a huge difference. Don't be that person who thinks they can tough it out and ends up with frostbite.


23 days ago

Amen to that, frostbite is no joke. Don't be a hero, be smart.


23 days ago

I've run in temps as low as 20°F and yeah, you need some extra gear. But it's not about looking cool, it's about not freezing your butt off. I've seen people running in just a t-shirt and leggings in the cold and I'm like, 'aren't you cold?' Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. And no, I don't wear 10 layers, but a good pair of tights and a warm top make all the difference.


23 days ago

I'm with you on this. I've seen people running in shorts in freezing temps and I'm like, what's wrong with you? A good pair of tights and a warm top can make a huge difference. You don't need to look like the Michelin man, but some common sense gear choices can go a long way.


23 days ago

I'm with you on this one. You don't need to go overboard, but a few essentials can make a big difference. I've learned the hard way that frostbite is no joke. A good pair of gloves and a warm hat can be a lifesaver on a cold morning. It's all about finding that balance between staying warm and not overheating. Stay warm out there!

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