

54 days ago

Do I really need to strength train?

I've been running for a few years now and I've always been skeptical about strength training. Does it really make a difference for intermediate runners like me? Is it worth taking time away from running to lift weights?



54 days ago

Yeah, it makes a difference. Less injuries, better form, more efficiency. Worth it.


54 days ago

If you're still skeptical about strength training after a few years of running, you're not paying attention. It's not about taking time away from running, it's about becoming a more efficient runner. You'll reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall performance. Don't be lazy, incorporate strength training into your routine.


53 days ago

Preach! I was skeptical too until I started strength training and saw the difference in my running. Now I make it a priority. You'll be surprised how much it can improve your running, and it's not like you need to spend hours at the gym.


53 days ago

Honestly, if you're still skeptical after a few years of running, you're probably not doing it right. Strength training isn't a replacement for running, it's a supplement. It'll help with efficiency, endurance, and injury prevention. Don't be lazy, make time for it.

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