

1 day ago

Fueling for Long Runs

I'm gearing up for a marathon and I'm still experimenting with my nutrition strategy. What are your go-to snacks and drinks during long runs? Do you prefer gels, chews, or real food? How do you determine your calorie needs? Share your favorite fueling tips and tricks! I'm particularly interested in hearing about what works for you during those final miles when every calorie counts.



1 day ago

I'm a gu gel kind of girl. Simple, easy to digest, and gives me the energy boost I need. I don't overthink the calorie needs, just make sure I'm fueling every 45-60 minutes. During those final miles, it's all about mental toughness for me. I remind myself that I've put in the work and it's just a matter of pushing through. Not very glamorous, but it works for me.

I've always been a fan of real food during long runs. Bananas, energy bars, and dates work well for me. I calculate my calorie needs based on my pace and body weight. During the final miles, I rely on caffeine and a bit of sugar to give me a boost. It's not rocket science, but it gets the job done.


1 day ago

Gu gels are a classic choice! I've had good experiences with them too. For me, it's about finding a balance between fueling and not overdoing it. I've been experimenting with dates and nuts as real food options, but gels are always a reliable backup. Mental toughness is huge, especially in those final miles. I like to focus on my breathing and remind myself that every step forward is one step closer to the finish line.


1 day ago

I'm old school, I stick to bananas and water. Simple, easy to digest, and gets the job done. Don't overcomplicate it, just fuel when you need to and focus on the run.

Bananas are okay, but they don't provide enough calories for me. I prefer energy chews or dates for a quick boost.


1 day ago

I'm a fan of real food during long runs, like dates or dried apricots. They're easy to digest and provide a natural energy boost. I also make sure to have a hydration plan in place, sipping on water or a sports drink every 10-15 minutes. During those final miles, I focus on my breathing and remind myself that I've trained for this. Good luck with your marathon training!


1 day ago

For long runs, I swear by energy chews and water. I find them easy to digest and they give me a quick energy boost. I aim to consume around 100-150 calories every 45-60 minutes. As for determining calorie needs, I've found that a general rule of thumb is to aim for 30-60 grams of carbs per hour. During those final miles, I rely on mental tricks like breaking down the remaining distance into smaller chunks and reminding myself that it's all worth it in the end. Good luck with your marathon training!

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