

39 days ago

Getting Lost While Running: Anyone Else?

How do you navigate when running in a new area? I always seem to take a wrong turn somewhere. Do you use a GPS watch, map out your route beforehand, or just wing it and hope for the best?



39 days ago

I'm definitely guilty of getting lost on new routes too! I usually map out my route beforehand, but sometimes I'll still take a wrong turn. Lately, I've been using a GPS watch and it's been a game-changer. It's not foolproof, but it definitely helps. I've also started paying more attention to landmarks and street signs to help me get back on track.


39 days ago

GPS watch is a must for me too. Still get lost sometimes, but at least I know how far off course I am.


39 days ago

I've been there too. I usually map out my route beforehand using a running app like Strava or MapMyRun. It helps me stay on track and explore new areas with confidence. If I'm really unsure, I'll also take a screenshot of the route on my phone just in case.


39 days ago

Strava's good, but don't rely solely on tech. Learn to read signs, ask locals, and develop your sense of direction. It's running, not rocket science.


39 days ago

That's a great idea about taking a screenshot of the route! I've had times when my phone's GPS wasn't working properly, and it would've been nice to have a backup. I also like to leave a note with my route and expected finish time with a friend or family member, just in case.

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