

40 days ago

GPS Tracking: How Accurate Are Your Watches?

Hey fellow runners, I've been using a GPS watch for a while now, but I've noticed that sometimes the distance and pace can be off. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just me being paranoid or are there any factors that can affect the accuracy? Would love to hear your thoughts.



40 days ago

I've had similar issues with my GPS watch, especially in areas with heavy tree cover or tall buildings. I've found that resetting the watch before a run and making sure the satellites are synced up helps improve accuracy. Also, I've noticed that running on a treadmill can throw off the distance tracking too.


40 days ago

Yeah, I've had issues with tree cover too. But honestly, even with syncing and all that, I still get weird readings sometimes. Like, I know I didn't run 10 miles in 30 minutes... I've just learned to take it with a grain of salt and focus on how I feel instead. Anyone else just use their watch as a rough guide and not stress too much about the exact numbers?


40 days ago

Good tips, thanks for sharing!


40 days ago

I've definitely experienced this too! I think it's normal to have some discrepancies, especially in areas with heavy tree cover or tall buildings. I've also found that calibrating my watch regularly helps. It's not just you being paranoid, it's just the tech being imperfect. Keep in mind, it's not about the exact numbers, it's about the progress we make!


40 days ago

Yeah, it's definitely not just you. I've had issues with my GPS watch too. Calibration helps, but it's still not 100% accurate. And yeah, tree cover and tall buildings can mess with the signal. But let's be real, it's not like we're trying to win the Olympics here. It's just a rough guide. Don't stress too much about it.


40 days ago

Yeah, it's not just you. I've had my fair share of wonky GPS readings too. Trees, buildings, even my own body can block the signal. Calibrating helps, but let's be real, it's not always 100%. I've learned to take it with a grain of salt and focus on how I feel. If I feel like I crushed that run, then that's all that matters.


40 days ago

Yeah, GPS can be sketchy. Trees, buildings, and weather can all interfere. Calibrate and update your watch regularly to minimize errors.


40 days ago

Good tip on calibration, thanks for sharing!


40 days ago

Good point about calibration and updates. I also find that running in open areas helps improve accuracy. Avoiding tunnels and tall buildings can make a difference too.

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