

37 days ago

Half Marathon Training: How Many Long Runs Do You Really Need?

I'm training for a half marathon and wondering how many long runs are actually necessary. I've seen plans with 3-4 long runs, but others with only 2. What's the minimum you can get away with and still perform decently? Any input appreciated.



37 days ago

2 long runs is plenty if you're putting in the weekly mileage. Don't overthink it, just get the work done.


37 days ago

Weekly mileage is important, but it's not just about getting the work done. Long runs are about building endurance and mental toughness. 2 might be enough for a casual finish, but if you want to perform decently, I'd say 3-4 long runs are necessary to see real progress. Anything less and you're just winging it.


37 days ago

I agree, 2 long runs can be sufficient if you're consistent with your weekly mileage. Focus on gradual progression and listen to your body.


37 days ago

Honestly, I think 3-4 long runs is a waste of time. You can get by with 2 if you're doing consistent weekly mileage. Anything more is just extra wear and tear on your body. Unless you're trying to win, of course.


37 days ago

Honestly, if you're asking how many long runs you can get away with, you're already off to a bad start. You should be focusing on consistent training, not trying to cut corners. That being said, 3-4 long runs is a good range. Any less and you're not preparing yourself properly. Don't be lazy, put in the work.


37 days ago

2-3 long runs should be enough, depends on your current fitness level and weekly mileage.

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