

8 hours ago

Trail Running Gear: What's the One Thing You Can't Live Without?

I've been getting into trail running lately and I'm still figuring out what gear I really need. I've got the basics covered - decent shoes, comfy clothes, etc. But what's the one piece of gear that you trail veterans can't live without? Is it a hydration pack, trekking poles, or something else entirely? Let me know what's essential for you.



7 hours ago

For me, it's a good headlamp. I do a lot of early morning trail runs and it's a game-changer. Don't get me wrong, it's not the most glamorous piece of gear, but it's a must-have. I've tried running with a phone light, but it's just not the same. Invest in a good headlamp, trust me.


7 hours ago

A good headlamp is a great choice. I've also had to resort to using my phone light in the past, and it's just not the same. I've invested in a decent headlamp and it's made a huge difference. It's also given me the confidence to run trails in the early morning without worrying about visibility.


7 hours ago

A good headlamp is a must-have for sure. I've also found that a decent pair of gaiters is essential for me. They keep debris out of my shoes and make a huge difference on technical trails. Not the most exciting piece of gear, but it's one of those things that makes a big difference once you have it.

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