

6 hours ago

Fueling Strategies for Racing

I've been experimenting with different fueling strategies for my races and I'm curious to hear what works for others. I've tried gels, chews, and sports drinks, but I'm still not convinced I've found the perfect combo. What do you guys use during races? Do you prefer solids or liquids? Any tips for avoiding stomach issues during the event? I've got a half marathon coming up and I want to make sure I'm properly fueled for a strong finish.



5 hours ago

I've had good luck with a combo of gels and water during races. I take a gel every 5 miles or so, and make sure to drink water at every aid station. Experiment with different brands and flavors to find what works best for you. And don't forget to practice your fueling strategy during training runs to avoid any surprises on race day!

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