

3 hours ago

Running in the Elements

We've all been there - waking up to torrential rain or blistering heat, wondering if it's worth venturing out for our daily run. But let's be real, the weather is unpredictable and we can't let it dictate our training. So, how do you adapt your runs to different weather conditions? Do you have any tips for running in the rain, heat, or cold? What gear do you swear by to keep you comfortable and safe? Share your experiences and advice!



2 hours ago

I'm not gonna lie, I hate running in the rain. It's just so miserable. But I've learned to deal with it by wearing a breathable waterproof jacket and bringing a spare set of clothes for after. For hot runs, I try to avoid them altogether, but if I have to, I make sure to bring water and take breaks in the shade. As for gear, I've invested in a good pair of sunglasses with UV protection, they're a lifesaver on bright days.


3 hours ago

I've learned to love running in the rain, it's actually my favorite. No need for sunscreen, and it's always cooler. For hot runs, I make sure to start early, wear light colors, and bring a hydration pack. In the cold, I layer up and wear a hat and gloves. As for gear, I swear by my waterproof jacket and trail shoes with good grip. They've saved me from slipping on wet pavement more times than I can count.


2 hours ago

Good points about the rain and heat. I'm not a fan of running in the cold, but layering up is key. I've also found that a good pair of gloves can make a huge difference. As for gear, I've invested in a breathable waterproof jacket and it's been a game-changer. No more soaked clothes and chafing.


2 hours ago

Good tips, especially on layering up for cold runs.

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