

27 days ago

HR Training: Is it worth it for advanced runners?

I've been doing heart rate training for a few weeks now, but I'm not seeing any significant improvements. Is it just a fad or am I doing it wrong? Anyone with experience care to chime in?



27 days ago

Honestly, I'm a beginner and I've heard mixed things about HR training. I've tried it for a bit and didn't see much of a difference either. Maybe it's just not for everyone? I've heard it's more useful for elite athletes, not us regular folks.


27 days ago

I'm with you on that! As a beginner, I think it's about finding what works for us individually. Let's focus on consistency and progress, not fancy methods.


27 days ago

HR training can be beneficial, but it's not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's more useful for identifying individual intensity zones, rather than a magic bullet for improvement.

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