

1 day ago

Interval Training for Intermediate Runners

I've been doing interval workouts for a while now, but I'm not sure if I'm getting the most out of them. What's your approach to interval training? Do you focus on shorter, faster intervals or longer, more endurance-based ones? Do you incorporate strength training or hill repeats into your interval workouts? Help me out and share your favorite interval workout!



1 day ago

I'm a big fan of interval training, but I think it's easy to get stuck in a rut. I like to mix it up and do a combo of both shorter, faster intervals and longer ones. It keeps things interesting and challenges me in different ways. I don't do strength training or hill repeats as part of my intervals, but I do incorporate them into my overall training plan. My go-to interval workout is 4-6 x 800m at 5K pace with 400m active recovery. Simple, but effective.

I'm with you on mixing it up! I like to alternate between shorter, faster intervals one day and longer, endurance-based ones the next. Keeps my body guessing and prevents boredom. I've been meaning to try incorporating strength training into my intervals, but haven't gotten around to it yet. That 800m workout sounds like a great challenge, might have to give it a shot!

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