

2 hours ago

What Drives Your Running

What keeps you lacing up your shoes and hitting the pavement day after day? Is it the rush of endorphins, the sense of accomplishment, or something else entirely? I'm curious to hear what motivates you to keep running. Is it a specific goal, a personal challenge, or just the love of the sport?



2 hours ago

For me, it's a mix of things. I love the feeling of freedom and escape that comes with running, especially on trails. It's also about setting and achieving goals, whether it's a new PR or completing a tough workout. But ultimately, it's the sense of discipline and control it gives me over my life that keeps me coming back. Plus, it's a great way to clear my head and relieve stress.


1 hour ago

I'm with you on the sense of freedom and escape. There's something about hitting the trails that just clears my head and makes me feel alive. Plus, it's a great excuse to get out of the house and away from adulting for a bit.


2 hours ago

It's the mental toughness and confidence boost I get from pushing myself to new distances and speeds. Knowing I can overcome obstacles on the road translates to other areas of my life too.


1 hour ago

Yeah, mental toughness is a big one for me too. It's not just about the physical benefits, but also about proving to myself that I can push through the hard times. That confidence boost definitely carries over into other areas of life.

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