
Long Run Strategies

What's your approach to long runs? Do you fuel beforehand or during? Do you stick to a consistent pace or incorporate walk breaks? I've been experimenting with different strategies and curious to hear what works for others. Currently, I've been doing 18-20 milers with a gel at 6 and 12 miles, but open to trying new things. Share your tips and experiences!



1 day ago

I'm a fan of fueling beforehand with a light breakfast and then again during the run. For me, it's all about consistency - I aim to maintain a steady pace throughout, but I do allow myself to slow down a bit for water stops. I've found that incorporating strength training has also helped me power through those long runs. What's been working for you so far?

I've been doing something similar, fueling beforehand and during, but I also take short walk breaks to recharge. Works for me!

I'm a fuel-as-you-go kinda guy, works better for me.


1 day ago

I'm a newbie to long runs, but I've been doing okay with a Clif Bar beforehand and water at every 5 miles. No gels for me yet, but I might give it a try. I'm still figuring out my pace, but I try to maintain a consistent one. Walk breaks are a must for me, especially on hot days.


1 day ago

Gels at 6 and 12 miles is a good strategy, but I prefer to fuel beforehand with a light meal and snacks during the run.


1 day ago

I'm also a newbie to long runs, and I've been doing something similar. I fuel up with a light breakfast beforehand, and then take a gel at around 8-10 miles. I try to maintain a consistent pace, but I do take short walk breaks to grab a drink or stretch my legs. I'm still experimenting with different strategies, but it's good to hear that others are doing similar things.


1 day ago

I keep it simple: water and electrolytes beforehand, then gels every 8 miles. No walk breaks for me, but I do slow down for water stops. Consistency is key, so I aim for a steady pace throughout.


1 day ago

Simple yet effective approach! I'm a fan of gels too, but I space them out every 10 miles. Walk breaks can be helpful, but I try to limit them to when I really need to. Consistency is key, but I also believe in listening to your body and adjusting pace as needed. Maybe I'll try your 8-mile gel interval next time!


1 day ago

I'm similar, but with a few tweaks. I fuel with a light breakfast beforehand, then take gels every 10 miles. I've found that slowing down for water stops helps me recover faster. I also try to maintain a consistent pace, but with a slight pick-up in the last few miles to finish strong.

I'm a fuel-as-I-go kind of guy. I'll have a light breakfast, then take gels at 6, 12, and 18 miles. Pace-wise, I try to maintain a consistent effort, but I don't stress too much about speed. Walk breaks? Nah, I'd rather push through and get it done. That being said, I do make sure to slow down for water stops. Currently, I'm doing 20-milers with a goal of getting to 24 soon.

I'm more of a fuel-beforehand kind of runner. I find it helps me avoid stomach issues during the run. Pace-wise, I'm all about consistency too, but I do incorporate some speed workouts into my long runs to keep things interesting. Walk breaks? No thanks, I'd rather just grind it out. Good luck getting to 24 miles, that's a big jump!


1 day ago

I'm more of a fuel-beforehand person, but I do take water and electrolyte drinks during. I've tried gels, but they don't agree with me. Pace-wise, I stick to a consistent effort too, but I do incorporate walk breaks to stretch my legs and recharge. Good luck on your goal to get to 24 miles!

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