

32 days ago

Minimalist Running: Is It For Me?

I've been seeing a lot of buzz about minimalist running lately, and I'm curious about it. Has anyone transitioned from traditional running shoes to minimalist/barefoot-style running? I've been running in supportive shoes for years, and I'm not sure if my feet can handle the switch. Did you experience any injuries or setbacks when you made the switch? Is it worth it in the long run (no pun intended)?



32 days ago

I made the switch last year and had some initial calf soreness, but it was worth it. Started with short distances and gradually increased my runs.


32 days ago

Good advice! Gradual transition is key. I also started with short distances and worked my way up to avoid injuries.


32 days ago

Yeah, calf soreness is a given when you switch. I did the same, started with short distances and built up. Now I can't imagine going back to traditional shoes. My feet are way stronger and I've had fewer injuries overall. Just be patient and don't rush the transition.


32 days ago

I've been running in supportive shoes for years too. I tried minimalist shoes for a few weeks and my feet didn't like it. I got a stress fracture in my foot. Maybe it's because I didn't transition slowly enough. I'm back to my traditional shoes now. I think it's worth trying, but be cautious and take it slow.


32 days ago

Yeah, I tried minimalist too. Didn't work out for me either. Now I just stick to what works. Don't fix what ain't broke, right?


32 days ago

Slow transition is key, don't rush into it, and listen to your body.

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