

8 days ago

Pacing for Beginners: Am I Doing It Wrong?

I've been running for a few months now and I still can't seem to get my pacing right. I either start too fast and burn out, or I'm too slow and feel like I'm not pushing myself. What's a good rule of thumb for pacing as a beginner? Should I be focusing on heart rate, perceived exertion, or something else? Help a guy out!



8 days ago

I was in your shoes not too long ago. What worked for me was to start with a conservative pace and gradually increase it as I got more comfortable. Try breaking your run into segments and focus on maintaining a consistent pace throughout. And don't worry, it's normal to struggle with pacing at first - it takes time and practice to find your rhythm.


8 days ago

Conservative pace and gradual increase is a great approach. I've been doing something similar and it's helped me a lot. Breaking your run into segments is also a good idea, it makes it more manageable. You'll get the hang of it with time, just keep at it!


8 days ago

I'm in the same boat as you! I've found that focusing on perceived exertion has worked best for me. Try to find a pace where you can still hold a conversation, but it's not too easy. It's better to start slow and build up than to burn out early. Also, don't be too hard on yourself, pacing takes time to figure out. You'll get there!


8 days ago

Perceived exertion is a great way to start, but I'd also recommend paying attention to your breathing. If you're huffing and puffing, you're probably going too hard. And yeah, starting slow and building up is key. I did the same thing when I was starting out - tried to do too much too soon and ended up exhausted. Just relax, focus on your form, and let your body adjust to the pace. You'll find your groove eventually.


8 days ago

One thing that helped me when I was starting out was to use a run-walk interval approach. It allowed me to build up my endurance and get a feel for my pace without pushing too hard. You can start with something like 5 minutes of running + 1 minute of walking and adjust as needed. It's not about being fast, it's about being consistent and finding a pace that works for you.

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