

6 hours ago

Pilates for Runners: Is It Worth the Extra Time?

I've heard mixed reviews about incorporating Pilates into a running routine. Has anyone seen noticeable improvements in flexibility, strength, or injury prevention? Is it worth sacrificing a run day for a Pilates session?



6 hours ago

I've tried Pilates a few times, and while I can see how it can help with flexibility and strength, I'm not convinced it's worth sacrificing a run day. For me, it's about prioritizing my running goals, and Pilates just doesn't fit into my schedule. That being said, if you have the time and enjoy it, go for it! It's all about finding what works for you.


6 hours ago

I've been doing Pilates for a few months now, and I've noticed significant improvements in my core strength and flexibility. It's helped me maintain good form during long runs and reduced my risk of injury. I wouldn't say it's a replacement for a run day, but it's a great addition to your routine. I do it once a week, and it's been a game-changer for me.

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