

14 hours ago

Recovery Run Pace

What's your approach to recovery runs? Do you stick to a strict pace or just go by feel? I've been doing them at a very slow pace, but wonder if I'm wasting my time. Should I aim for a certain heart rate zone or just focus on getting the miles in?



14 hours ago

I don't overthink recovery runs. For me, it's about getting the blood flowing and flushing out the legs after a hard session. I don't bother with pace or HR zones, just keep it easy and conversational. If you're feeling like you're wasting your time, maybe try to focus on active recovery instead - like a light jog or a walk. The goal is to aid recovery, not to add more stress.


13 hours ago

I'm a 'just get it done' kind of guy. Recovery runs are about getting the miles in, not about pace or HR zones. If you're moving, you're recovering.

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