

19 hours ago

Prioritizing Sleep for Better Recovery

I've been guilty of sacrificing sleep for early morning runs, but I've come to realize that it's not doing my body any favors. I've started prioritizing 7-8 hours of sleep each night and I've noticed a significant improvement in my recovery. Anyone else find that sleep is more important than foam rolling or compression gear when it comes to bouncing back from a tough run? Share your sleep habits and recovery tips!



18 hours ago

Sleep is the most underrated recovery tool out there. I've been getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night and it's made a huge difference in my performance. I'd rather get a good night's sleep than waste my time with fancy recovery gadgets. It's not sexy, but it works.


18 hours ago

Preach! I used to think that getting up at 5am for a run was a badge of honor, but now I realize I was just sabotaging my own progress. Since making sleep a priority, I've noticed I can push myself harder on runs and still feel fresh the next day. It's all about finding that balance and making rest a part of your training plan. Thanks for sharing!


18 hours ago

Balance is key, I'm still working on it, but at least I'm aware now.

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