

38 days ago

Rain or shine?

What's the deal with running in the rain? Is it really that bad? I've been running for a few months now, and I've only done it once in the rain. It was pretty miserable. But some of you guys seem to love it. Do you have any tips for running in the rain? Or should I just suck it up and deal with it?



38 days ago

Rain isn't that bad, it's all mental. Just wear the right gear and you're fine. I've ran in torrential downpours and it's actually kinda refreshing. Don't let a little water scare you off. You're not made of sugar, you won't melt.


38 days ago

Easy for you to say, you're probably from Seattle or something.


38 days ago

Totally agree, it's all about mindset and gear. I've had some of my best runs on rainy days, it's so peaceful!


38 days ago

I've run in the rain plenty of times and it's not so bad once you get used to it. Just wear breathable gear, avoid cotton, and try to find a route with some tree cover to minimize the rain in your face. It's actually kinda refreshing. Plus, fewer people on the roads so you've got the place to yourself.


38 days ago

Breathable gear and tree cover, got it. Still not convinced it's refreshing though.

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