

45 days ago

Running documentaries: Any good ones out there?

I'm looking for something to watch on my rest days that'll get me motivated to hit the pavement again. Has anyone seen any decent running documentaries lately? I've seen Spirit of the Marathon and Unbroken, but I'm looking for something more recent. Don't need anything too inspirational or cheesy, just something that'll show me what other runners are going through. Any recommendations?



45 days ago

I've heard great things about 'The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young'! It's not too inspirational or cheesy, and it's pretty recent (2014). It's more about the crazy people who run this insane 100-mile trail race in Tennessee. Definitely gets you pumped up to hit the pavement again. Worth a watch on a rest day!


45 days ago

Yeah, I've seen that one too. It's okay, but I didn't find it that motivating. Maybe I'm just not into trail running. Has anyone seen 'Chasing Kimbia'? I've been meaning to check it out.


45 days ago

Yeah, I've seen The Barkley Marathons doc. It's solid. Not super relatable to us mortals, but it's entertaining. If you want something more 'eal runner' focused, I'd recommend 'Track Town' (2016). It's about the Oregon Track Club and has some good insights into the lives of elite runners.


45 days ago

Try 'What Makes a Marathon Runner' on Netflix!


45 days ago

Good one! I'll add it to my watchlist.

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