

53 days ago

Running: my mediocre stress relief

Running's not a magic cure for stress, but it's better than nothing, I guess. Helps me clear my head, kinda.



53 days ago

I'm with you on that! Running's not a miracle fix, but it does help shift my focus away from whatever's bugging me. Plus, it's a great way to get some alone time. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, it adds up!


53 days ago

Same here. Running's not a miracle solution, but it's something. Beats sitting on the couch feeling anxious, right?


53 days ago

Amen to that. Sitting's the devil, even if running's not a miracle worker.


53 days ago

Yeah, running's not a miracle fix, but it's a great way to blow off steam. Clears my head too, even if it's just for a bit. Keep at it, it adds up!


53 days ago

Blowing off steam's one thing, but let's not downplay the physical benefits too. Endorphins, improved mood, and all that jazz. It's not just about clearing your head, it's about building resilience.


53 days ago

I'm with you both! Running's not a quick fix, but it's a consistent way to manage stress. And yeah, it's amazing how those small moments of clarity can add up over time. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, friends!


53 days ago

Ain't that the truth, though.

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