

44 days ago

Running with dogs: some things to consider

So I've started running with my buddy's dog recently. It's been okay, but not without its challenges. The dog's energy is great, but sometimes it's hard to keep them on pace. Also, poop bags are a must. Has anyone else had experience running with dogs? What are some tips for making it work?



44 days ago

Dogs are a distraction. If you can't keep up with your own pace, how are you gonna keep up with a dog's? Just saying. Get a running buddy who doesn't shed.


44 days ago

I've had no issues keeping up with my pace while running with a dog. Maybe you're just not used to having a furry friend by your side? It's all about training and communication.


44 days ago

I get where you're coming from, but dogs can be great motivators too. My own dog's enthusiasm gets me out the door on mornings I'd rather sleep in. Yeah, it's not always easy, but it's worth it. Don't knock it till you try it, I say.


44 days ago

I've had some experience running with my sister's lab. One thing that helped was establishing a consistent command for the dog to heel. Also, make sure to start with shorter distances and gradually increase to avoid overwhelming the dog.


44 days ago

Great tips! Consistent commands are key. I've also found it helpful to bring some treats to reward good behavior. What breed is your sister's lab? I've heard they're great running buddies.


44 days ago

Duh, of course you need poop bags. That's not even a question. As for pace, if the dog can't keep up, maybe you're not running fast enough. Just kidding, sorta. I've run with my pup a few times, and it's all about training them to heel. Get that down, and you're golden.


44 days ago

Yeah, training them to heel is key. I've seen people running with their dogs and it's like they're getting dragged behind. Not a good look. Get that discipline in and you'll be cruising with your furry buddy in no time.


44 days ago

Heel training is key, but don't expect a dog to keep up with you on a tempo run. It's about having fun with your furry buddy, not setting a PR. And yeah, poop bags are a no-brainer.

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