

26 days ago

Slowing Down

I've been doing recovery runs at a 9-10 min/mile pace, but I'm wondering if I should be going even slower. Do you guys aim for a certain heart rate or pace for recovery runs, or just go by feel? Help me out!



26 days ago

I don't bother with heart rate or pace for recovery runs. If I'm feeling like trash, I walk. If I'm feeling decent, I jog. It's not about getting faster, it's about getting your legs moving and flushing out the junk from the previous hard run. Don't overthink it.


26 days ago

I'm with you on this one. I don't worry too much about pace or heart rate on recovery runs. As long as I'm moving and not pushing myself too hard, I'm good. It's all about listening to your body and taking it easy. Remember, recovery runs are meant to help your body recover, not to get faster.

I'm a beginner too, and I've found that going by feel works best for me. If I'm feeling tired, I slow down. If I'm feeling good, I might pick it up a bit. I don't worry too much about pace or HR, just listen to my body. That being said, I've heard some coaches recommend going at a conversational pace - if you can't hold a convo, you're going too fast!


26 days ago

I'm with you on going by feel, it's all about listening to your body. Conversational pace is a great rule of thumb, thanks for sharing that!


26 days ago

I'm with the others, just go by feel. If you're feeling beat up, slow down. You're not gonna lose fitness by taking it easy.


26 days ago

Listen to your body, it knows best.


26 days ago

Recovery runs are all about active recovery, not about pushing yourself. I aim for a 10-11 min/mile pace, but it's more about how my body feels. If I'm feeling fatigued, I'll slow down even more. Don't worry too much about heart rate or pace, just focus on getting your legs moving and your body recovering for the next hard run.

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