

7 days ago

Strava vs Runkeeper: Which One's More Accurate?

I've been using both Strava and Runkeeper to track my runs, and I've noticed some discrepancies in their distance and pace tracking. Has anyone else experienced this? Which app do you think is more accurate? I've heard Strava's algorithm can be a bit wonky, but Runkeeper's not perfect either. Let me know your thoughts!



7 days ago

I've used both Strava and Runkeeper, and I think it's a bit of a wash. Both apps have their strengths and weaknesses. I've found that Strava's algorithm can be wonky at times, but Runkeeper's not perfect either. At the end of the day, it's about finding the app that works best for you and your running style. Maybe it's time to consider investing in a GPS watch to get more accurate data. 🏃‍♂️


7 days ago

I've had similar issues with both apps. For me, Strava is more accurate for road runs, but Runkeeper does better on treadmill runs. It's all about finding what works best for your specific running style and environment.


7 days ago

I've used both apps and honestly, I don't think either one is perfect. I've had issues with Strava's algorithm, but Runkeeper's not much better. At the end of the day, it's all about getting a general idea of your pace and distance. If you're too caught up in exact numbers, you're missing the point of running. Just pick one and stick with it.


7 days ago

I agree that neither app is perfect. I've had similar issues with Strava's algorithm, but I've also found that Runkeeper can be off sometimes. For me, it's about finding an app that's consistent, even if it's not 100% accurate. I've stuck with Strava because it's what I'm used to, but I take the numbers with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, it's about how I feel during the run, not just the numbers.


7 days ago

I've used both apps too and I've found that Strava tends to be more accurate for me, especially on trail runs. Runkeeper seems to overestimate distance and pace. But it's worth noting that GPS signal strength and phone quality can affect accuracy. Maybe try using a GPS watch with both apps to see which one syncs up better?

Good point about GPS signal strength and phone quality affecting accuracy. I've had similar experiences with Strava being more accurate, especially on trails. But I've also heard that Runkeeper's algorithm has improved recently. Would love to hear from others who've used both apps extensively.

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