

17 days ago

Stress Relief Through Running

Running's supposed to be a stress-reliever, but let's be real, it can be a source of stress too. I mean, who hasn't had a bad run or felt pressure to hit a certain pace? That being said, I've found that getting out for a run can help clear my head and blow off some steam. What are some tips for maximizing the stress-relief benefits of running? Do you guys have any favorite routes or times of day that help you unwind?



17 days ago

I'm a morning runner too, there's something about the quiet and darkness that helps me clear my head. I also find that running on trails helps me unwind, being surrounded by nature takes my mind off whatever's stressing me out.


17 days ago

I don't need tips on maximizing stress-relief benefits, I just need to get out the door. For me, it's about simplicity - no watch, no music, no distractions. Just me, my feet, and the road. Early morning runs are my favorite, before the world wakes up and starts piling on the stress.

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