

15 days ago

Tapering Strategies

How do you approach tapering before a big race? Do you reduce mileage, intensity, or both? What's your favorite tapering routine to ensure you're feeling fresh on race day?



15 days ago

I'm a big fan of simplicity when it comes to tapering. I reduce my mileage by 30-40% 2 weeks out and then take it easy the last week. I ditch the intense sessions and just focus on easy runs to keep my legs loose. It's not rocket science, just let your body recover and you'll be ready to go on race day.


15 days ago

I like your approach, simplicity is key when it comes to tapering. Reducing mileage and ditching intense sessions allows your body to recover and rebuild. I'm still experimenting with different tapering strategies, but your approach seems like a great way to ensure you're feeling fresh on race day.


15 days ago

That's a solid approach. I also reduce mileage and intensity, but I like to throw in some short, fast strides to keep my legs sharp. Works for me, but everyone's different.


15 days ago

For me, tapering is all about balance. I reduce mileage by about 40% 2 weeks out, and then another 20% the week of the race. I keep some intensity in there, but make sure it's not too strenuous. I like to do a few short, fast sessions to keep my legs sharp. The key is to listen to your body and not overthink it. You've put in the work, now it's time to let your body recover and be ready to perform on race day.


15 days ago

Tapering is all about trust and patience. I reduce both mileage and intensity, but not drastically. I like to keep my legs moving, just not as much. 2-3 weeks out, I cut my weekly mileage by 20-30%. The last week, I'm down to 50% of my normal volume. Intensity-wise, I swap out hard sessions for easy runs. It's not about being fresh, it's about being rested. You've done the work, now let your body recover.


15 days ago

Been there, done that. Works like a charm.


15 days ago

I'm similar, I reduce both mileage and intensity, but also prioritize active recovery. I find that easy spins on the bike or a light swim help my legs feel fresh without losing too much fitness.

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