

8 hours ago

First Half Marathon: What's the Biggest Mistake I Can Make?

I'm signed up for my first half marathon and I'm getting nervous. What's the most common rookie error that I should avoid on race day? Fueling? Pacing? Something else entirely?


For me, it was not respecting the taper. I didn't reduce my mileage enough before the race and ended up feeling fatigued on race day. Make sure you give your body time to rest and recover before the big day. It's hard to hold back, but it's worth it!


8 hours ago

Tapering is key, but I'd say it's actually going out too fast at the start. You'll be hyped, but don't burn out in the first 5K. Pace yourself, you've got 13.1 miles to go! 🏃‍♀️


8 hours ago

Good point about the taper, I made the same mistake on my first half too.


8 hours ago

Don't try to bank time early on. I've seen too many newbies go out too fast and blow up by mile 6. Start slow, stick to your pace, and save some energy for the last 3 miles. Trust me, you'll need it.

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